Österreich, 2012, 82 Min., FSK: 0
Noseland ist eine humoristische Ode an die Welt der klassischen Musik und einige ihrer Stars. Obwohl es eine Langfilm-Dokumentation ist, verschwimmen darin die Grenzen zur Fiktion und Komödie.
Einmal im Jahr übernimmt der weltberühmte Violinist und "Nasen-Fetischist" Julian Rachlin die Kontrolle über die kroatische Stadt Dubrovnik um einige der weltbesten Musiker, Schauspieler und Komponisten zusammenzubringen und damit eines der einzigartigsten Musikfestivals der Welt zu veranstalten.
Aleksey Igudesman
Sebastian Leitner
Sebastian Leitner
Aleksey Igudesman, Julian Rachlin
George Votis
Julian Rachlin, Aleksey Igudesman, John Malkovich, Sir Roger Moore, Sabina Hasanova, Pavel Vernikov, Boris Kuschnir, Fumiaki Miura, Itamar Golan, Sophie Rachlin, Branimir Pofuk, Nicola Benedetti, Leonard Elschenbroich, Torleif Thedéen u.v.a.
“Mögen Sie Klassik? Egal! Nach dieser durchgedrehten Ode an die klassische Musik wahrscheinlich ja! Die Gagdichte ist so groß, man kommt kaum zum Verschnaufen. Ganz Toll! (...) Klassik, eine verstaubte Welt für elitäre Kreise? Mit diesem Klischeebild räumt „Noseland“ mit viel Witz und Ironie und einem Sommerhit-tauglichen Klassikrap als Titelsong ein für alle Mal auf.”
Gabrielle Schultz (Die Welt)“Aleksey Igudesman bringt Roger Moore zum Weinen, kassiert Ohrfeigen und wird nicht nur einmal sitzen gelassen. Er tritt immer in das größtmögliche Fettnäpfchen und bleibt dabei aber liebenswert. Es ergeben sich zum Brüllen komische Situationen, in denen alle Beteiligten aber immer Mensch bleiben. Die Gespräche zeigen, dass klassische Musiker viel Humor haben.”
Corinna Klimek"Mit ihrem humorvollen Dokumentar-Film über den Musiker Julian Rachlin und sein Musikfestival in Kroatien sorgen der Geiger, Komponist und Komödiant Aleksey Igudesman und Filmemacher Sebastian Leitner derzeit auf internationalen Filmfestivals für Aufsehen. Noseland ist eine Low-Budget- Produktion, die andere Filme mit stärkerer Finanzierung alt aussehen lässt."
Petra Ortner (Momag)“This irreverent mockumentary, poking fun at music festivals and their star- studded casts, should easily appeal to music lovers everywhere, as long as they do not mind taking their favorite pastime with a pinch of salt and some pepper too.”
Dan Fainaru (Screen Daily)Interview
I have always enjoyed movies the most that are not about anything. Or, to rephrase it, that are about nothing. Subtle difference, but very important. Since I am a musician and I write music, this is not a question I, or anyone else for that matter, would ever ask. What is this piece of music about? People tend to accept that most music is some form of more or less abstract art to be enjoyed for the mere beauty of it. Although most movies have the pretense of being about something, the real strength in a good film or any work of art is its shape, its form, the feel of it, the sound of it and the emotions it takes you through. The combination of all these aspects makes any work of art what it really is, in essence. The actual "meaning" is and must always be secondary, I believe. The honesty is hidden within the context of humor, but the fact is that a lot of the things said by the great musicians in this movie are the truth. Last but not least, there is the theme of criticism in general. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what is the most incredible performance for one person is an unbearable interpretation for the other. "The Music Critic", a project I developed for the Julian Rachlin and Friends Festival with John Malkovich in the main role, is featured in the documentary, but criticism of all sorts and the role of critics are touched upon in other parts of the movie as well. One thing I've always been highly allergic to is actors playing musicians on screen. We don't believe you, even if you learn the violin for half a year and practice many hours a day. A musician is so particular in his movements on the instrument and his or her behavior on and off stage that it is practically impossible for an actor to emulate, short of actually becoming a musician. My dream is to make fictional movies about musicians, where the main roles are played by great musicians themselves. The incredible music, ranging from some of the greatest chamber music ever written, such as the Schubert String Quintet and Brahms Sextet, was all performed, filmed and recorded at the Julian Rachlin and Friends Festival. The great thing is that the performances became the soundtrack of the movie. And to capture the magic of these powerful interpretations was essential to me. In fact, the humor and all of the interviews are mostly edited to the music and not the other way round, as is mostly the case. Clearly I saw this documentary more like a large piece of extremely eclectic music and therefore I approached it quite differently from a regular film maker.
2012 - Transilvania International Film Festival, Rumänien
2012 - Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Tschechien
2012 - Batumi International Art House Film Festival, Georgien
2012 - The Moscow Film Festival BUDEM ZHIT, Russland
2012 - Tyrolean Independent Film Festival, Österreich
2012 - Bergen International Film Festival, Norwegen
2012 - New York City Independent Film Festival, USA
2012 - Exposed Film Fest for first Films, Deutschland
2012 - Sonoro International Music Festival, Rumänien
2012 - DOCmiami International Documentary Film Festival, USA
2012 - Les Arcs European Film Festival, Frankreich
2013 - Trieste Film Festival, Italien
2013 - Vilnius International Film Festival, Litauen
2013 - Madrid International Film Festival, Spanien
2013 - International Film Festival of Patmos, Griechenland
2013 - International Film Awards Berlin, Deutschland
2013 - Enescu Music Festival, Rumänien
2013 - Jewish Film Festival, Österreich
2014 - Snowdance Independent Film Festival, Deutschland
2014 - Dorf Film Festival, KroatienKinotermine
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